Monday 20 February 2012

Munster Fleadh Blaa Hooley is a great success

Comeraghs Comhaltas and friends held Ireland’s first ever ‘Fleadh Blaa Hooley’ in Dungarvan last weekend.  The Hooley – a joint fundraiser for the 2012 Munster Fleadh Cheoil and the Waterford Festival of Food*, celebrated the very best of traditional Irish music and dance and the famous Waterford “Blaa” - a distinctive floury bread roll unique to the Déise.

Here in Comeraghs Comhaltas, we have adopted the culinary symbol of the Déise, put a tipper in it’s hand and baked up our very own FLEADH BLAA as a mascot for Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan 2012. Our FLEADH BLAA’s first outing was to the Hooley – named in his honour, and which he appeared to thoroughly enjoy. (By the way, he wasn’t the only one – we also spotted a couple of familiar faces from Comhairle na Mumhan amongst the very large crowd of rowdy revellers!)

The craic was mighty at the hooley, with the wonderful Bobby Gardiner and musicians from the Comeraghs and several other branches providing many a lively tune to keep the toes tapping and the dancers fit. We definitely needed a bit of exercise to work off the earlier over-indulgence!  Conor Foran (Lawlor’s Hotel) served blaas with tasty gammons, sausages and rashers (provided by “Truly Irish Country Foods”) straight from the BBQ, along with a selection of dips, salads and grilled vegetables. Homemade ice-cream and chocolate brownies followed. Those who still had the energy after such a feast, took to the floor for a few sets. The rest of us sat back and watched enviously. All the time, the FLEADH BLAA smiled benignly from his vantage point at the top of the room.  Like the rest of us,  I bet he can’t wait for the Fleadh to come to town!

* (The Waterford Festival of Food will be held in Dungarvan, April 12th to 15th)

1 comment:

  1. Roinnim an fhianaise seo le comhpháirtithe atá ag streachailt ina gcaidrimh toisc go bhfuil réiteach marthanach ann. D'fhág m'fhear céile mé féin agus ár mbeirt pháistí le haghaidh bean eile ar feadh 3 bliana. Rinne mé iarracht a bheith láidir do mo pháistí amháin, ach ní raibh mé in ann an phian a bhí cráite mo chroí a rialú. Bhí mé gortaithe agus mearbhall. Bhí cabhair ag teastáil uaim agus mar sin rinne mé roinnt taighde ar an idirlíon agus tháinig mé trasna ar shuíomh Gréasáin áit ar chonaic mé gur féidir leis an Dr. Ellen, a bhfuil litreoir aici, cabhrú leat leannáin a fháil ar ais. Chuaigh mé i dteagmháil léi agus dúirt sí paidir speisialta agus geasa ar mo shon. Is ábhar iontais dom, tar éis 2 lá, d'fhill m'fhear céile abhaile. Mar sin tháinig muid le chéile agus bhí an oiread sin grá, áthas agus síocháin sa teaghlach. Is féidir leat dul i dteagmháil freisin leis an Dr. Ellen, cúntóir réitigh cumhachtach
    1) buaigh ar ais do iar-bhuachaill
    2) Beir fear céile agus bean chéile le chéile
    3) stop a chur le tromluí arís
    4) leigheas luibhe do VEID agus ailse
    5) Fáinne draíochta cumhachtacha
    6) charm ádh
    7) Obsessions Briseadh
    8) Fadhbanna breithe agus toirchis. Déan teagmháil leis trí EMAIL:
    Whatsapp +2349074881619
