Tuesday 13 December 2011

Large Attendance at Munster Fleadh 2012 Public Meeting

Despite the appalling weather, on the night, we had a tremendous turnout for our Open Meeting on Nov 30th in the Park Hotel, Dungarvan. The information provided by Fleadh Chairman Michael Marrinan, supported by Tadgh Ó Maolcatha and Assunta Uí Chathasaigh from Comhairle le Mumhan, obviously hit the right note!  Chief Steward, Ben O'Gorman was kept busy taking details from members of the general public who were willing to volunteer assistance during Fleadh week. The Open Meeting followed a Fleadh Executive meeting where the various sub-committees reported much progress.
Ben O'Gorman, Chief Steward, taking details of Volunteers at the Open Meeting

First Impressions - advertising the Fleadh and Open Meeting, Park Hotel, Dungarvan, Nov 30th
Tadgh O' Maolcatha, Comhairle le Mumhan, Marianne Ryan Fleadh Secretary, Micheál Marrinan Fleadh Chairman, Assunta Uí Chathasaigh Comhairle le Mumhan at the Munster Fleadh Open Meeting, Park Hotel, Dungarvan, on Nov 30th

Dungarvan Shopping Centre provide major sponsorship for the Munster Fleadh

Dungarvan Shopping Centre joined the growing list of Fleadh Sponsors recently, when its management team presented Fleadh Chairman Michael Marrinan with a cheque for €1,000 as part of its Local Community Sponsorship Initiative. Speaking at the announcement of the Sponsorship, Dungarvan Shopping Centre Manager., Gerry O'Connor wished the Fleadh Committee and all the Volunteers every success in hosting such a prestigious event, and said that the Centre was delighted to be involved with such a fantastic organisation as the local host branch, Comeraghs Comhaltas.

Saturday 12 November 2011

GSK Dungarvan provide major sponsorship for Munster Fleadh

GSK Dungarvan were quick off the mark to show their support for Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan, presenting local branch Comeraghs Comhaltas with a cheque for €3,000 last weekend. Well done and many thanks to GSK for their support!
Marianne Ryan (Munster Fleadh Secretary), Gregor McNabb (Site Director, GSK), Micheál Marrinan (Munster Fleadh Chairman), Naoive Coggin (Logistics Director GSK), Noel Power (Munster Fleadh Finance), Michael Callaghan (H.R. Manager, GSK) and Mairead Fahey (Munster Fleadh Joint-Treasurer)

Fundraising Table Quiz is a great success

Thank you to all who attended our Mega Fundraising Table Quiz in the Gold Coast Golf Hotel. 

Over 30 tables took part in the quiz on the night and a great night was had by all.

Prizewinners were as follows:

1st Prizewinners at the recent Munster Fleadh Fundraiser Table Quiz in the Gold Coast Hotel. L to R: Tom Cox, Pauline Cox, Ben O'Gorman, Valerie O'Gorman

Quizmaster Bob O'Brien and Micheál McGrath from the Gold Coast Hotel with the 2nd prizewinners in the Munster Fleadh Fundraiser Table Quiz, Mairéad Fahey, Tomás Ó Gealbháin and Eimear Fahey

Quizmaster Bob O'Brien and Micheál McGrath from the Gold Coast Hotel with the 3rd Prizewinners, Scott Simons, Mary Marrinan, Maura Govers and Alice Fitzgerald 

Fleadh Organising Committee Elected

Front row (l to r): Michael Marrinan (Cathaoirleach Craobh na gComorach & Siamsaíocht Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan), Marianne Ryan (Rúnaí, Fleadh Cheoil na  Mumhan 2012), Tadgh Mulcahy (Cathaoirleach Chomhairle na Mumhan), Assunta Casey (Rúnaí, Chomhairle na Mumhan), Michael O'Brien (Cathaoirleach Choiste Chontae Phort Láirge), Martin Forristal (Rúnaí, Choiste Chontae Phort Láirge)

Middle Row (l to r): Alice Fitzgerald (Lóistín), Mary Marrinan, Mary-Jean Timmins (Bia & Dí), Anne Halpin (Oifigeach Caidreamh Poiblí),Donnacha Ó Cinnéide (Comh-Cisteoirí Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan), Máiréad Fahey (Comh-Cisteoirí Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan), Marguerite Walsh (Rúnaí Cúnta)

Back Row (l to r): Richard Hill (Clár Chuimhneacháin), Ben O'Gorman (Maoir), Martin Mannion (Ionaid/Comharthaí), Noel Power (Airgeadais).
Elections to the 2012 Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan Executive and sub-committees took place at a very well-attended inaugural meeting held on August 10th 2011. This meeting was held in Cúil na Sméar, the home of Craobh na gComarch, which lies in the foothills of the beautiful Comeragh mountains, just outside Dungarvan town. Many of you will be familiar with the names of Michael Marrinan and Alice Fitzgerald, both stalwarts of the branch, well known to many in traditional music circles and heavily involved with the organisation of Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan 2012.

Craobh na gComarach is very enthusiastic about hosting Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan in Dungarvan in 2012 - the first time since 1988 that the town has hosted this prestigious event. We are planning an ambitious, comprehensive programme of music, song and dance to entertain our visitors, and in particular, are determined to put "the stamp of the Déise" on the festival, highlighting those aspects that have a particularly strong local tradition or strength. In particular, given our close proximity with An Rinn Gaeltacht, we are placing a special emphasis on gaelige across all aspects of the programme. In addition, the first three days of the festival will be taken up with a summer school in all instruments, music, song and dance. This will be a first for the South-East, and represents an exciting innovation for all concerned!
The second meeting of the Fleadh Committee was held on Oct 5th, where the various sub-committees reported progress, particularly in the areas of fundraising and sponsorship. Further fundraising events are being planned over the next few months and all committee members are beavering away behind the scenes, working on plans to deliver the biggest festival Dungarvan has seen in decades!